Evaluating a new model of tackling child sexual exploitation across England


Knowledge Exchange

Last updated: Tue 12, 2016

The Alexi Project is running over three years, which gives us the opportunity to create different environments for those working in CSE services to come together and share knowledge and practice insight. We have run three annual 'learning exchange' events. We produce a monthly newsletter for hub and spoke services and funders. In 2017 - the final year of the evaluation - we are also launching online forums.


The online forums are currently only accessible to CSE workers and managers who are funded by the Alexi Project, to help is stay focused on learning about what effective Hub and Spoke work looks like.

All Alexi Project workers and managers have been issued with an email  invitation to create their account. However if you missed this email or can't find it, you can still create an account by visiting the log-in page, entering your email address and clicking 'Reset password' This will then allow you to enter your email address again and a link will be emailed to you, inviting you to enter a new password.

Your user name will always be Firstname.Surname - with the first letter of each capitalised.

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