Evaluating a new model of tackling child sexual exploitation across England


Know any comic artists?

Posted: Tue Jul, 2017

Author: Lucie Shuker


One of the principles of the International Centre is the meaningful and ethical engagement of children and young people in research on sexual exploitation and violence, and we have produced a range of work over the last ten years that aims to create space for the voices and participation of children and young people.

A set of consistent messages has emerged about the experiences and concerns of children and young people across a range of projects. Young people affected by sexual exploitation/violence have had traumatic experiences, and unfortunately some services make this worse through disempowering victims, judging them or not respecting their right to have a say in what is going to happen to them.

Young people have provided key messages about what good or effective support looks and feels like from their perspective, as well as what poor support is like. Isabelle Bodie and Lucie Shuker from the Alexi Project are currently reviewing this evidence base to create a set of 8-10 principles that summarise effective support.

As part of the ‘CSE Principles Project’ we will commission a comic artist to create an illustrated version of these principles. The artist will be given the written document and further source material, and will work with IC staff and young advisors to develop 2-3 illustrations of each principle.

We are looking for quotes from artists who can produce up to 24 illustrations by October 20th, and who can approach the project with empathy and understaning of the perspectives of children who have experienced sexual exploitation.

Key dates

  • 21st July - Deadline for quotes
  • W/c 24th July - Decision on provider
  • September 7th - Meeting with young advisers to review draft
  • October 20th - Deadline for completed work


  • The tender document has two dates as deadlines for tenders - the 18th and the 21st. The correct deadline is Friday 21st July at 5pm
  • Non UK residents are able to apply

Please contact Lucie Shuker at lucie.shuker@beds.ac.uk if you have any questions.

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